Groot Nergena, building number 111
Groot Nergena has a long history. Before the 16th century, a castle stood on the site of the present building. This was replaced by ‘Huis Nergena’, which was part of an estate with the same name and where several noble families lived. Huis Nergena was demolished in 1930.
About Groot Nergena
In 1952, architect Mart Bolten designed the current ‘Groot Nergena’, which consists of a main house, two outbuildings and the huge pond in front. Of the old mansion, which served as an example at the time, only the pond is original.
Currently, Groot Nergena still has several tenants, but over time WUR will increasingly occupy the building itself.
This building does not have a front desk. Tenants can be reached via phone or email during office hours.