BiodiversityXL Community Event bij het NIOO
Welcome for a deep dive in all aspects of biodiversity research, and the exploration of the ecological facilities at NIOO! People from NIOZ, Naturalis, Westerdijk Institute, NIOO and broader will gather again on Thursday afternoon 22 June. Expect hands-and-heads-on sessions.
Together, we will explore and decide upon concrete actions. What roles do or could you have as a biodiversity researcher? How can we ‘bend the curve’ for biodiversity conservation and recovery? What research infrastructure is needed, what methods shall we develop and what will our next steps be?
Also look out for the launch of the Dutch ecological research facilities website, meet ups for lab assistants or PhD candidates, tours on the NIOO campus and science bites from citizen science to serious games. And in between, score your own species to add to the BioBlitz.
See you in NIOO’s sustainable building and ecological garden!
For more information, take a look at our website.