DocuScience: Eeuwige Bossen
In times of climate change and emerging diseases and pests, genetic diversity is crucial for keeping forests healthy. Native trees and shrubs are wild populations that originally occur in the Netherlands and have reproduced naturally from generation to generation. These wild populations cover only 3-5% of our forests and landscape elements but remain essential as the original sources of genetic diversity. Once genetic diversity is lost, it cannot be regained. The Dutch Centre for Genetic Resources (CGN), is dedicated to the conservation and sustainable use of genetic diversity.
Photo: Paul Copini
The documentary Eeuwige Bossen, created by Jan Ketelaars, is an informative film about the research, management and preservation of our endangered native forests. It features Bert Maes who has been researching wild trees and shrubs for over 30 years. Lodewijk van Kemenade and René van Loon work closely with him, and the CGN is also featured in the documentary.
Seppe de Mits and Hinke Wiersma from the Dutch Centre for Genetic Resources (CGN) (part of Wageningen Environmental Research), will introduce the documentary by explaining how CGN works to conserve and sustainably use genetic diversity in trees and shrubs. Jan Ketelaars, the director, will also give a brief introduction to the documentary.
Currently, wild trees and shrubs are found in only 3-5% of our forests. The documentary tells the story of these endangered native forests, featuring stunning footage. Where can these forests be found? What is their history? How were wild trees and shrubs used in the past? And how do we even know that native trees and shrubs exist in these forests? The documentary provides a comprehensive look at the different research disciplines contributing to our understanding of these forests and the trees they contain, as well as the various values we assign to them. Finally, it explores management steps to preserve our wild forests for the future.
After the documentary, there will be an opportunity for questions and discussion. Seppe de Mits and Hinke Wiersma will be happy to answer your questions.
Good to know, the documentary is spoken in Dutch and subtitled in English.
The documentary will be shown in Omnia and admission is free of charge. The program will begin at 17:30, with the room opening at 17:00. After the program, you are welcome to talk while enjoying the DocuDinner.
Dinner in restaurant Novum afterwards?
Exclusively for DocuScience, restaurant Novum, in Omnia, offers a DocuDinner. For €18,50, you will be served a delicious main course and a drink. The DocuDinner starts after DocuScience has ended at 19:00. Reservation is required and can be done through the Forms. Already filled in the Forms, without making a reservation yet? Send an e-mail to welkom@restaurantnovum.nl. Please mention DocuScience in the e-mail.
About DocuScience
DocuScience is a program in Omnia, where employees of Wageningen Campus share insights into the inspiring work happening at Campus. We will explore new perspectives through provocative documentaries that encourage conversation. Everyone working at Wageningen Campus is welcome, so bring your colleagues!