Wageningen Campus team
The Wageningen Campus team consists of 6 enthusiastic people. The team deals with strategic matters such as location policy on campus, as well as (proactive) acquisition. We encourage campus parties to seek cooperation and share knowledge. And together we shape various types of events such as the Wageningen Campus Expedition, the Wageningen Campus Summervibes festival and the Wageningen Campus Connect Cafés.
Want to stay up to date?
Then check the campus website, sign up for the newsletter, check the screens in the buildings or follow our LinkedIn page. And finally, if you want to organize a meeting at the Dialogues Centre Omnia, contact one of our colleagues.
We would love to hear from you if you have any questions, suggestions, or ideas. Only together will we keep the campus ecosystem vibrant!

From left to right: Flora de Ruiter, Events; Anne Mensink, Manager Wageningen Campus & Shared Facilities. Caroline Bijkerk, Innovation Ecosystem; Chris van Kreij, Dialogue Centre Omnia; Nicolien Pieterse, Campus Community; Ruud Duijghuisen, Business Developer (not on the photo)